Easter Evening Event 2020

Topic: Decisions based on knowledge

Here is the plan:
Fortnox in Växjö will be hosting this event for us! Yay!

It will be an online event:
We will use Zoom to meet and trello for the agenda!
You are invited from 17h to 21h on April 7th 2020.
Please register here: Register via eventbrite please

Fortnox Växjö


Place: Fortnox, Bollgatan 3 B, Växjö No! It will be online!

Timing (just estimates, not reality):
17:00 arrive, grab a drink & sandwich
17:15 some short inspiring talks
18:00 explanation of OpenSpace
18:15 Session pitching (all participants create an agenda together)
18:30 Session Block #1
19:00 Session Block #2
19:30 Session Block #3
20:00 End of OpenSpace – get a beer and network until 21h

We are very happy to welcome you and your colleagues, bosses and friends!